Shalopsky et al Manhattan Real Estate Holdings, A Real time Social System, As of May 1, 1971
Date: 1971
Region: North America
Subject: Political/Economic/Social Opinion
Medium: Installation
Artist: Hans Haacke
Confronting Bodies: Guggenheim Museum
Dates of Action: 1971
Location: New York City
Description of Artwork: Shalopsky et al Manhattan Real Estate Holdings, A Real time Social System, As of May 1, 1971.consists of 146 photographic views of New York apartment buildings, six pictures of transactions, an explanatory wall panel, and maps of Harlem and the Lower East Side. Each photograph is accompanied by a typed text that describes the location and the financial transactions involving the building in the picture. Haacke discloses the transactions of a real-estate firm between 1951 and 1971. Harry Shapolsky, the key figure, who is well protected by influential friends, is guilty of an assortment of fraudulent practices of which the judicial system has been exceedingly forgiving.
The Incident: Haacke's exhibition is canceled at the Guggenheim Museum because his show deals with "specific social situations" not considered art.
Results of Incident: Exhibition remained canceled.
Source: National Association of Artists Organizations