The South Will Rise Again (poster)
Year: 2017
Date of Action: February 23rd, 2017
Region: North America
Location: Swansea High School
Subject: Political/Economic/Social Opinion
Medium: Mixed Media
Confronting Bodies: Swansea High School
Description of Artwork: In a classroom project at Swansea High School, kids were to make posters which involved the history of slavery in the United States. One poster included a noose and the phrase "the South will rise again."
The Incident: The teacher saw the project and believed it to incorporate "poor word choices and visuals, which could be negatively interpreted by others." She immediately removed the poster so that no one else would see it, but somehow others saw it and sent the story to a local news source.
Results of Incident: The district released a statement saying that they were committed to furthering the educational interests of their students and allowing for creativity, but without intolerance.