Challenged Book: And the Earth did not Devour Him

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And the earth .jpg

Artist: Tomas Rivera

Year: 2013

Date of Action: 6/13/13

Region: North America

Location: Clarke County school in Athens, Georgia

Subject: Violence, Youth

Medium: Literature

Confronting Bodies: Athens, Georgia school

Description of Artwork: Tomás Rivera’s coming-of-age story of a Mexican boy’s life in a migrant family in the 1940s and 1950s, with its themes of family life and tensions.

The Incident: The parents of a Clarke County seventh grade student demanded that the Clarke County Board of Education overturn Superintendent Philip Lanoue’s decision not to remove the award-winning book from an Athens, Georgia school. These parents did not want their child exposed to profanity and a lot of offensive language.

Results of Incident: The book has been decided to be restricted to Supplemental reading. Afterwards, this decision was appealed, and it was retained by board vote on 9/9/13.

David Huff, vice president of the school board, opposed the ban. He said that the board should be focusing on bigger issues, such as improving graduation rates, cutting-edge technology, and the future of education, not short-term political distractions.
