
Date: 321, 325

Region: Europe

Subject: Religious

Medium: Literature

Artist: Arius (256-336 C.E.)

Confronting Bodies: Council of Nicea

Dates of Action: 321 - 325 C.E.

Location: Europe

Description of Artwork: Thaleia: This poetic verse publicized the thesis which was a new approach to the New Testament. In it Christ was viewed as the most perfect creature in the material world, whose moral integrity led him to be adopted by God as a son but who nevertheless remained a secondary deity or logos substantially unlike the eternal, uncreated Father and subordinate to his will. The thesis was widely spread by popular songs written for labourers and travelers.

The Incident: 321 C.E.: Arius, presbyter of Alexandria, was excommunicated in 321 for heretical teachings about the nature of Christ. 325 C.E.: the Council of Nicea condemned his Thaleia, the collection of popular verses expressing his ideas.

Results of Incident: 325 C.E.: the Council of Nicea exiled him. This was the first writing banned by the Catholic Church.

Source: Banned Books 387 B.C. to 1978 A.D., by Anne Lyon Haight, and Chandler B. Grannis, R.R. Bowker Co, 1978.