Yo Mama's Last Supper

Artist: Renée Cox

Year: 2001

Date of Action: February 15, 2001

Region: North America

Location: New York, New York

Subject: Nudity

Medium: Mixed Media, Photography

Confronting Bodies: Rudolph Giuliani

Description of Artwork: This work is a photographic series consisting of five panels consisting of 11 black men, a white Judas, and a naked black woman all posing as Leonardo da Vinci's painting The Last Supper.

The Incident: This installation was supposed to be exhibited at the Brooklyn Museum of Art, but Mayor Rudolph deemed this photo "disgusting" and "anti-Catholic.'

Results of Incident: He then said that he would create a decency committee which would enforce "decency standards" in order to keep this type of provocative work out of museums which receive government subsidy.


Affronted by Nude 'Last Supper,' Giuliani Calls for Decency Panel