Portrait of Ms Ruby May, Standing (painting)

From Censorpedia

Artist: Leena McCall

Year: 2014

Date of Action: June 26, 2014

Region: Europe

Location: London, England

Subject: Explicit Sexuality, Nudity

Medium: Painting

Confronting Bodies: The Mall Gallery, London

Description of Artwork: Leena McCall's "Portrait of Ms Ruby May, Standing" is a painting meant to deal with female sexuality and erotic identity, specifically how women choose to express their sexual identity beyond the male gaze.

The Incident: The painting was selected to hang in the Mall Gallery by the Society for Women Artists (SWA) for their 153rd annual exhibition June 26-July 5, 2014.

Two days after a special Charity Evening and the Private View the picture "Portrait of Ms Ruby May, Standing" was removed by the Mall Galleries for being "too pornographic and disgusting."

Results of Incident: The Mall Gallery has declined to comment on the censorship. Artist Leena McCall has asked supporters to speak out via Twitter and Facebook.



How is this painting 'pornographic' and 'disgusting'?

This Painting by Leena McCall Was Removed From a Gallery in London Because of "Disgusting" Pubic Hair, by Andrew LaSane

London gallery removes Leena McCall painting deemed too pornographic and disgusting