Louie Louie (song)
Artist: Benton Harbor Middle School Marching Band
Year: 2005
Date of Action: May 2005
Region: North America
Location: Benton Harbor, Michigan
Subject: Explicit Sexuality
Medium: Music
Confronting Bodies: Superintendent Paula Dawning
Description of Artwork: "Louie Louie" was originally written and recorded in 1956 by Richard Berry. Since then, it has become arguably the most covered song ever, though the most famous cover is by The Kingsmen in 1963. In their cover, however, the Kingsmen slurred and blurred the articulation of the words in the song, leading many to believe they were covering up obscene lyrics. However, in the original Richard Berry version, there are no profane lyrics.
The Incident: The song was to be performed by the marching band for the Grand Floral Parade, when one parent called to complain about its supposedly obscene lyrics. Upon receiving this complaint, superintendent Paula Dawning forbade the band from performing the song.
It is also notable that an FBI investigation in the 1960's determined there were no obscene (or even intelligible) [1] lyrics to the Kingsmen's cover of the song. Furthermore, as it was to be performed by the marching band, no lyrics were to be included in the performance.
Results of Incident: After numerous parents called in to support the marching band's performance, and many others complained that it would be too late for the band to perform a new song, the superintendent reversed her decision.
• http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/%E2%80%98louie-louie%E2%80%99-ban-lifted-for-school-band
See also http://www.boingboing.net/2005/05/05/band-banned-from-cov.html and http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,155628,00.html
For a comprehensive blog about the song's history and current performances, see The Louie Report: http://www.louielouie.net/blog/