Spirit of Justice

From Censorpedia

Ashcroft spirit of justice.jpg

Artist: C. Paul Jennewein

Year: 2002

Date of Action: November 2001

Region: North America

Location: Washington, D.C.

Subject: Nudity

Medium: Sculpture

Confronting Bodies: The Justice Department

Description of Artwork: "Spirit of Justice" is a cast aluminum statue depicting the Lady Justice. Situated in the Great Hall of the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building, Lady Justice poses in a toga-like garment with one breast made visible from the fallen garment.

The Incident: On November 29, 2001, a Department of Justice aid was ordered to "obtain three bids for the permanent drape hiding the statues, 'Spirit of Justice' and her male companion, 'Majesty of Law.'" By January, the drape had been installed to cover the statues.

Results of Incident: Though suspicions have surfaced surrounding the Department of Justice's decision to veil the statues-- some speculations claiming that is was a censorship measure used to mask the Spirit of Justice's breast--the government organ has stressed that it was an aesthetic choice; it was merely to have a "blue background".
