The History of Sex
Artist: Andres Serrano
Year: 2007
Date of Action: October 5, 2007
Region: Europe
Location: Lund, Sweden
Subject: Explicit Sexuality
Medium: Photography
Confronting Bodies: Unnamed Vandals believed to be part of a Neo-Nazi group
Description of Artwork: "The show consists of photographs, made in 1995 and 1996, of various sex acts, including a depiction of a naked woman fondling a stallion."
The Incident: A small museum in Lund was displaying Serrano's photographs when a group of masked vandals, shouting in Swedish "We don't support this" followed by an expletive, ran into the gallery armed with crowbars and axes, and smashed the plexiglass covering the photographs, then proceeded to destroy the photos themselves.
Results of Incident: The display continued with replacements for the photographs, but with bolstered security.