Performances at Clovis High School
(Redirected from Theatre Vignettes Informing Students on Health Issues Canceled in Clovis)
Date: 1995
Region: North America
Subject: Explicit Sexuality
Medium: Theater , Performance Art
Artist: Sponsors of the production were the Fresno/Madera Medical Auxiliary organization.
Confronting Bodies: Parents of students who are schooled where the theater performances occurred.
Dates of Action: 1995
Location: Clovis High School, Clovis, California.
Description of Artwork: Professional acting groups perform vignettes dealing with teen pregnancy, AIDS and nutrition.
The Incident: A group entitled Concerned Women for America organized a protest calling for the play's cancellation on grounds that it contained vulgar language and promoted masturbation. The school board then scheduled a meeting to debate the issue of the plays propriety.
Results of Incident: Rather than fighting the protest the Fresno/Madera Medical Auxilliary withdrew the program from Clovis High School.
Source: NCAC: based on a report in "Artistic Freedom Under Attack" Vol. 3, 1995, provided by People for the American Way.