Melancholianne (film)

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Date: 1992

Region: North America

Subject: Language

Medium: Video Art, Film Video

Artist: Tulare County, CA high school students

Confronting Bodies: High school officials

Dates of Action: 1992

Location: Tulare County, California

Description of Artwork: Melancholianne is a video made by high school students about teen pregnancy.

The Incident: The video was censored by school officials because the video utilized profanity.

Results of Incident: The Northern California ACLU represented the students in a case against the school officials, and the students received a preliminary injunction to show the video in June 1992. Later, in December 30, 1992, the injunction was overturned by Judge Gerald Sevier ruling that the video constituted "obscene expression," and therefore could be restricted.

Source: ACLU Arts Censorship Project Newsletter, Spring 1993