Princess; Solos (films)

Revision as of 22:51, 13 January 2012 by JonathanF (talk | contribs)

Date: 2007

Region: Asia

Subject: Religious Sexual/Gender Orientation Explicit Sexuality

Medium: Film Video

Artist: Anders Morgenthaler (b. 1972) and Loo Zihan (b. 1983)

Confronting Bodies: Singapore's Board of Film Censors

Date of Action: 2007

Location: Singapore

Description of Artwork: Princess, an animated film by Danish director Anders Morgenthaler, tells the story of a priest who tries to erase his dead sister's past as a porn star. The film is considered "religiously offensive" due to a scene where a porn star in a nun's habit has a cross protruding from her behind.

Solos, the other cut film, is about the homosexual relationship between an older man and a boy. It was censored because of "explicit homosexual lovemaking scenes including scenes of oral sex and threesome sex", the board said.

The Incident: The scenes in question were cut from the films.

Results of Incident: Loo Zihan, co-director of Solos said he was appealing the censor's decision, claiming the sex scenes are meant to be viewed as art and not porn, but has not yet withdrawn the film. Princess has been removed from the festival completely due to the organizers having a policy of showing only uncut films.
