Hector German Oesterheld

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Date: 1977

Region: South America

Subject: Political/Economic/Social Opinion

Medium: Literature


Artist: Hector German Oesterheld

Confronting Bodies: Ejercito Argentino contra la prensa, intelectuales, escritores y medios de difusion. (Argentine Army against the press, intellectuals, writers and media.)

Date of Action: 1977

Location: Hector desaparece en la ciudad de la Plata. (Hector disappears in the city of La Plata.)

Description of Artwork: H. G. Oesterheld era guionista de historietas -comics- con gran interes en la cultura popular, sus historias y personajes tenian un profundo arraigo humanista, con el tiempo Hector comienza a militar en montoneros junto con sus cuatro hijas. (H.G. Oesterheld was a writer of comics, comics with great interest in popular culture; its stories and characters had deep humanistic roots. Eventually the military began to monitor Hector's movements along with those of his four daughters because he was a member of the montoneros--an organization banned by the miltary.)


The Incident: Varias de las obras de Oesterheld son prohibidas por la dictadura. (Several of Oesterheld's works were prohibited by the dictatorship. Then he and his daughters were disappeared in 1977.)

Results of Incident: En un año son secuestrados y desaparecidos el y sus cuatro hijas junto con sus parejas, dos de las hijas estaban embarazadas en el momento del secuestro. (In that year they were all abducted and disappeared, Hector and his four daughters together with their partners. Two of the daughters were pregnant at the time of the abduction.)

Source: Dominio publico.