The Next Day (video)

Revision as of 19:05, 26 June 2013 by Chris Falcone (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Display censorship incident |ongoing=no |year=2013 |region=North America |artist=David Bowie/Floria Sigismondi |subject=Sexual/Gender Orientation |confronting_bodies=Youtube...")
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Artist: David Bowie/Floria Sigismondi

Year: 2013

Date of Action: May 2013

Region: North America

Location: Youtube

Subject: Sexual/Gender Orientation

Medium: Film/Video "Film/Video" is not in the list (Commercial Advertising, Dance, Design, Installation, Journalism, Literature, Mixed Media, Music, Online, Painting, ...) of allowed values for the "Has medium" property.

Confronting Bodies: Youtube

Description of Artwork: Floria Sigismondi produced a video for Bowie's new song. As described by Eric Danton at Rolling Stone, "The clip shows priests frolicking with scantily clad women in a nightclub where a Christ-like singer, played by Bowie, is performing. One of the women, played by Cotillard, develops stigmata, and Bowie disappears in a wink, presumably to ascend into heaven."

The Incident: Catholic League president Bill Donahue broadcasted his feelings towards the video, remarking that "in short, the video reflects the artist-- it's a mess." Youtube pulled the video down, noting that it violated its terms of service.

Results of Incident: Youtube soon restored the video to its website, placing an age requirement on its viewing, though (18+)
