Eye-Speak (tapestry)
Artist: 115 local African American, Latino, and Chicano Artists, Jane Castillo, Joseph Beckles
Year: 2004
Date of Action: February 2004
Region: North America
Location: Los Angeles, California
Subject: Violence
Medium: Installation, Painting
Confronting Bodies: Los Angeles International Airport
Description of Artwork: The piece contained images related to 9-11, including a bare-breasted woman holding a bleeding heart in front of the burning twin towers, and a winged figure jumping from the top of the towers.
The Incident: After about ten complaints were received about the artwork, airport officials pressured the artists to take down the work.
Results of Incident: Within a few days, after inquiries from the Los Angeles Times about the censorship, the airport officials decided to reverse the order for the tapestry's removal. It remained in circulation for the amount of time that had been prescribed for it before.
• http://articles.latimes.com/2004/feb/11/local/me-airart11/2