Harlem Shake
Year: 2013
Date of Action: February-March, 2013
Region: North America
Location: US
Subject: Youth
Medium: Dance, Film/Video "Film/Video" is not in the list (Commercial Advertising, Dance, Design, Installation, Journalism, Literature, Mixed Media, Music, Online, Painting, ...) of allowed values for the "Has medium" property., Online
Confronting Bodies: US School Officials
Description of Artwork: The "Harlem Shake" is an internet video meme contain several individuals dancing, often in colorful or strange costumes, to a section of Baauer's eponymous song.
The Incident: Students across the country have faced detention, suspension and other forms of punishment from school officials for recording their own "Harlem Shake" videos. Usually students are in a partial state of undress or are dancing in a manner deemed "sexually suggestive".
Results of Incident: Punishments vary on a school-by-school basis. In the most severe cases, students have been suspended or expelled for participating in such videos.