Mary Loeffler (painting)
Artist: Mary Loeffler
Year: 2003
Date of Action: May 2013
Region: North America
Location: Arlington Heights, IL
Subject: Nudity
Medium: Painting
Confronting Bodies: Principal Dottie Sievert at Wheeling High School
Description of Artwork: 17 year old Mary Loeffler painted a life size work with a naked left breast.
The Incident: The principal of the high school deemed the painting disruptive to the learning environment and ordered the painting to be removed from the school lobby. The painting was subsequently re-displayed with a piece of fluorescent paper covering the breast.
Results of Incident: Students were outraged by the school's censorship of their pier's art and protested in a number of capacities. The National Coalition Against Censorship got involved in the case, releasing statements saying that the covering of the work made it obscene.
NCAC archives