Koliivschina: Judgment Day
Artist: Volodymyr Kuznetsov
Year: 2013
Date of Action: July 25, 2013
Region: Russia and Central Asia
Location: Kyiv
Subject: Political/Economic/Social Opinion
Medium: Painting
Confronting Bodies: The museum Director of Mystetskyi Arsenal Museum: Natalia Zabolotna
Description of Artwork: The painting, a mural measuring 11 meters by 5 meters, showed a flaming nuclear reactor with priests and judges semisubmerged in a vat of red liquid. A car that appeared to be carrying officials was shown plunging into the vat -- likely a reference to the numerous traffic accidents caused by officials in the country. A hodgepodge of other figures were grouped alongside, including what appeared to be the image of Iryna Krashkova, the woman who accused two police officers and a civilian of beating and raping her last month.
The Incident: Days before the opening of a new exhibition at Kiev’s Mystetskyi Arsenal museum, its director Natalia Zabolotna destroyed one of the pieces included in the show, a mural byVolodymyr Kuznetsov, which Zabolotna considered to be immoral. She painted over the mural with spray-paint.
Results of Incident: Zabolotna, has since apologized for destroying the work but has stated that she believes that Kuznetsov deviated from the intent of the exhibition
• http://www.rferl.org/content/ukraine-art-destroyed-kuznetsov-kievan-rus-yanukovych/25058261.html