What is Censorpedia?
Censorpedia will aid the fight for free expression by providing a living, useful, and thorough history of censorship incidents, information about what is vulnerable to censorship in our society, and an eventual guide to strategies and tactics that have defeated past attempts at censorship.
Censorpedia hosts articles documenting censorship outbreaks: the who, what, when, where and why. We will also include articles explaining laws and policies that impact free speech and censorship.
Description of Artwork: Seeing Red, White or Blue -- Censored in the USA compiles works of art that have been censored or threatened with censorship, including Robert Mapplethorpe's X Portfolio photographs, Dread Scott's What Is The Proper Way To Display A U.S. Flag?, and a number of other works from across the country.
Project history
Censorpedia builds on the data collected by The File Room. Initiated as an artist's project by Muntadas, The File Room was originally produced by Randolph Street Gallery (a non-profit artist run center in Chicago,IL, 1979-1998) with the support of the School of Art and Design and the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Since 2001 The File Room has been hosted and maintained by the National Coalition Against Censorship.
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How to get started
Censorpedia has nearly 2000 articles already imported, here's how you can help:
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