Abdelkader Alloula (playwright)

Date: 1994


Subject: Political/Economic/Social Opinion, Religion

Medium: Literature,Theater

Artist: Abdelkader Alloula was a Algerian playwright and stage director. He was born in Ghazaouet in western Algeria, and studied drama in France. He joined the Algerian National Theatre upon its creation in 1963 following independence.

Confronting Bodies: Islamic Front for Armed Jihad (FIDA)

Dates of Action: March 10, 1994

Location: Oran, Algeria

Description of Artwork: His works, typically in vernacular Algerian Arabic, included: El-Aâleg ("The Leech"), a satire of corrupt administration; Homq Salim ("Salim's Madness"), a monologue based on Nikolai Gogol's Diary of a Madman; Hammam Rabbi ("God's Bath"), based on Gogol's The Inspector General.

The Incident: He was working on an Arabic version of Tartuffe when he was assassinated by two members of FIDA (Islamic Front for Armed Jihad) during Ramadan on March 10, 1994, as he left his house in Oran.After his assassination, his widow, Radja Alloula, and friends set up the Abdelkader Alloula Foundation in his memory. His brother, Malek Alloula, is also a noted Algerian writer.

Source: Wikipedia And the Democracy Frontline blog