Brave New World


Artist: Aldous Huxley

Year: 2014

Date of Action: April 2014

Region: North America

Location: Lewes, DE

Subject: Youth

Medium: Literature

Confronting Bodies: Cape Henlopen School District

Description of Artwork: Brave New World is one of the 20th century’s classic works of dystopian speculative fiction. In this novel, Aldous Huxley imagines a future society in which individual freedom has been sacrificed in the name of scientific advancement and social stability. Huxley’s novel poses enduringly salient questions about society’s values, science and individualism, and challenges students to think critically about the society portrayed in Brave New World as well as our own.

The Incident: The novel was labeled as "inappropriate" with potential to remove it from the AP English reading list at the high school. The inappropriate accusation gathered from themes of violence, despair, and sexual references.

Results of Incident: The Board met to decide whether teacher's should keep the book in their classrooms. The challenge was overturned and the book remains in the district.
