Charlie Sheen Mural

SHEEN SE 250413 BG2 l.jpg

Artist: Dean Tweedy

Year: 2013

Date of Action: May 2013

Region: North America

Location: Kent, England

Subject: Political/Economic/Social Opinion

Medium: Public Art

Confronting Bodies: Kent Town Council (England)

Description of Artwork: Muralist Dean Tweedy painted a mural of US actor Charlie Sheen. An accompanying text read, "This town needs a new Sheen"

The Incident: Council chiefs confronted Tweed and notified him that, though they liked the visuality of the mural, the text was "too political" and thus needed to be removed.

Results of Incident: Tweed complied, and painted over the text. However, he also painted over Sheen's mouth, hinting at his own forced silencing.
