Corrections on Canvas (exhibit)

Date: 2002

Region: North America

Subject: Political/Economic/Social Opinion

Medium: Mixed Media

Artist: Arthur Shawcross and other artists imprisoned for violent crimes

Confronting Bodies: The New York State Corrections Commissioner, Glenn S. Goord

Date of Action: March 2002

Location: New York State, USA

Description of Artwork: Any works created by prisoners who have committed violent crimes. Arthur Shawcross is known for his sketches of Santa Claus and Princess Diana.

The Incident: The spring art show entitled, Corrections on Canvas, has been an annual event for the past 35 years in Albany's Legislative Office Building. However, Corrections Commissioner, Glenn S. Goord, decided to ban inmates convicted of violent crimes from selling or exhibiting their artwork produced in prison. Goord, who is supported by many other New York politicians, believes that inmates should not be allowed to profit from their crimes. Detractors from this view see the recently cancelled programs as a legitimate means of rehabilitation.

Results of Incident: After banning the sale and display of works produced by violent criminals, Goord decided to ban the sale of any inmate's art.
