Let's Use Free Speech to Bust Cunts
Artist: Andrew Bushard
Year: 2017
Date of Action: June 2017
Region: North America
Location: Austin, Texas
Subject: Explicit Sexuality
Medium: Commercial Advertising
Confronting Bodies: Austin Today, Inc.
Description of Artwork: Billboard advertisement for chapbook Let's Use Free Speech to Bust Cunts
The Incident: Andrew Bushard submitted and paid for a billboard advertisement with Austin Today, Inc.'s "Daily Billboard" on an interstate outside of Austin, TX.
Results of Incident: Austin Today, Inc.'s owner denied the ad through voicemail and email, saying "I got your check, contract and copy that you want to use on the board. As I explained in my voicemail, I am unable the put the word "CUNT" on my board. That word is too polarizing and will bring a shit storm of angry callers and emails....
I am all for Free Speech, but cannot risk damaging the relationship that I have with my regular customers that spend thousands of dollars with me each year. Plus, I don't have the time and energy to answer all the calls and emails that I would get. It is also highly likely that my other customers would also get those calls when their ad appears at a later date. It happens.
I looked at Amazon, and you've written a lot of books. I am ok with Fetishes, Bill Cosby, Hemorrhoids, even Satanizm."