
Date: 1998

Region: Africa

Subject: Religious

Medium: Literature

Artist: Maxime Rodinson (1915 - 2004)

Confronting Bodies: American University in Cairo, Salah Montasser, Egyptian High Education Ministry

Date of Action: May 1998

Location: Cairo, Egypt

Description of Artwork: Rodinson's book, Muhammad, is described as a mildly revisionist, psychological approach to the prophet Muhammad.

The Incident: An Egyptian newspaper reporter, Salah Montasser, attacked the book in al-Ahram, suggesting that it "denigrated the Islamic faith" and requested that it be removed from the school's curriculum

Results of Incident: The American University in Cairo went beyond the Higher Education Ministry and the columnist's requests and removed the book from both the course and the library shelves.

Source: Index on Censorship, 4/98