Date: 2002

Region: South America

Subject: Political/Economic/Social Opinion

Medium: Public Art, Performance Art,

Artist: Anfibio, grupo de arte, formado por los poetas M. Bustelo, S. Franzetti, X. May, G.Reches y la artista plastica F. Fernandez Frank (Amphibian Art Group, formed by poets M. Bustelo, S. Franzetti, X. May, G. artist Reches and F. Frank Fernandez)

Confronting Bodies: Cuerpo de seguridad y policía federal argentina (Security forces and federal police Amphibious Group)

Date of Action: 2002

Location: Banco de la Ciudad, sucursal Nuñez, sobre la Av. Cabildo cerca de la calle Copngreso de Tucuman, Argentina

Description of Artwork: Se trataba de una acción que veniamos desarrollando luego de la crisis del 2001 en espacios que llamamos de "tensa espera" como colas de bancos, colas para cobrar subsidios, marchas, etc. donde repartiamos tarjetas de subre intervenidas con serigrafias y poemas especialmente escritos para esta ocasion. (We first started conceiving and planning this action following the 2001 financial crisis that we call "tight hold." Any where that there was a line of people--bank queues, queues to collect subsidies, marches, etc.. we would give out cards implanted with serigraphs and poems written especially for this occasion.)

The Incident: Al repartir las tarjetas entre los jubilados qeu hacian fila para cobrar sus haberes,fuimos cuidadosamente observados, y al tomar fotos de la acción, fuimos interceptados por el personal de seguridad del banco y dos patrulleros que llegaron con sirenas de contramano por Av. Cabildo, se nos intimó a velar la totalidad de la pelicula fotográfica o a acompañarlos a la comisaría. (We handed out the cards to the retirees lined up to collect their pensions at the bank. Then we carefully observed and photographed the action. We were intercepted by security personnel and two patrol cars that arrived with sirens wailing, coming down Cabildo Avenue. The police intimated to us into surrendering all the film by threatening to take us to the police station.)

Results of Incident: No hay registro documental de estas acciones, ya que todas estaban en la misma pelicula fotografica (recordemos que eran tiempos sin fotos digitales y el rollo era muy caro, teniamos todo en uno solo) (There is now no documentary record of these actions, as they were all on the same photographic film--remember that those were times without digital photos and a roll of film was very expensive. Everything was on that one roll of film.)

Source: flor Fernandez Frank