Manga: Sixty Years of Japanese Comics (book)

From Censorpedia

Manga main.jpg

Artist: Paul Gravett

Year: 2006

Date of Action: April 2006

Region: North America

Location: Victorville, California

Subject: Explicit Sexuality

Medium: Literature

Confronting Bodies: San Bernardino District Supervisor Bill Postmus

Description of Artwork: The book chronicled the history of Japanese manga, from World War II to the present day. It included a section on hentai, or erotic manga, which included artistic depictions of sexual acts.

The Incident: 13 copies of the book were in place in San Bernardino county when one of them was taken out by Matt Jones, a 16-year-old boy. When Jones told his mother, Cynthia Jones, about the erotic art section of the book, she wrote a letter to the county library system asking that the book be removed. A story was featured about the incident in local newspapers the Desert Dispatch and the Daily Press,[1] and the next day San Bernardino District Supervisor Bill Postmus ordered that the book be removed from all branches of the county's library system.

Results of Incident: Barstow College placed copies of the book on display following the incident, in protest against the move. [2] The book is still not available in the San Bernardino libraries, although there is a link on the library's website where it is made available for purchase.
