Burlington War Mural
Artist: Ron Hernandez
Year: 2005
Date of Action: September 2005
Region: North America
Location: Burlington, VT
Subject: Violence
Medium: Public Art
Confronting Bodies: South End Arts & Business Association
Description of Artwork: A mural painted onto the side of of brick building; though two large tsunamis dominate the surface of the wall, the artist chose to include a blackened silhouette of rockets, soldiers, turret-mounted machine guns, and barbed wire.
The Incident: Though the city's representatives and population is largely anti-war, the mural did not sit well with BED Communications Coordinator Mary Sullivan, who also serves on the board of South End Arts & Business Association (the sponsor of the event). Upon learning of the mural's content, Sullivan contacted the other members of the SEABA and voiced her displeasure with regards to the work.
Results of Incident: Subsequently, Hernandez was ordered to cover up this hostile scene. The artist painted over the war imagery.
• http://www.7dvt.com/2005/censorship-alive-and-well