Monkey Business (1931 film)
Artist: The Marx Brothers
Year: 1931
Date of Action:
Region: Europe
Location: Ireland
Subject: Political/Economic/Social Opinion, Violence
Medium: Film/Video "Film/Video" is not in the list (Commercial Advertising, Dance, Design, Installation, Journalism, Literature, Mixed Media, Music, Online, Painting, ...) of allowed values for the "Has medium" property.
Confronting Bodies: Irish Film Censors Office
Description of Artwork: Monkey Business was created by the Marx Brothers and is an adaptation of one of their broadway comedies. The story centers around four stowaways on a transatlantic ship that get into and cause mischief.
The Incident: The Irish Film Censors Office feared that the content in the film would cause anarchy within the country. In order to prevent this the banned the film from being released and distributed within the country.
Results of Incident: In 1931 the Irish Film Censors Office banned the film entirely from the country. It wasn't until 2000 that the ban was lifted and the film was allowed and circulated.