New Era, New Leader: Badio Rejects the New Order Regime's Engineering

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Date: 1995 - 2005 [[:Category:|]] [[:Category:|]]

Region: Asia [[:Category:|]] [[:Category:|{location3}]]

Subject: Political/Economic/Social Opinion [[:Category:|]] [[:Category:|]]

Medium: Literature [[:Category:|]] [[:Category:|]]

Artist: Subadio Sastrosatomo

Confronting Bodies: Indonesian government

Dates of Action: March 1997

Location: Indonesia

Description of Artwork: Sastrosatomo's book, "New Era, New Leader: Badio Rejects the New Order Regime's Engineering," criticizes the Indonesian government.

The Incident: Sastrosatomo was the leader of the Indonesian Socialist Party. The government banned his book and suggested that it could precipitate civil unrest and tarnish the government's image.

Results of Incident: Officials banned the book and questioned a well known government critic, Ali Sadikin, in connection with trying to reprint the book.

Source: Index on Censorship 3/97 [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]]