A Look at Violence in Religious and Sexual Imagery (exhibition)

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Artist: Pat Payne

Year: 2001

Date of Action: March 2001

Region: North America

Location: Gainesville, New Mexico

Subject: Explicit Sexuality, Religion

Medium: Painting, Photography

Confronting Bodies: Santa Fe Community College

Description of Artwork: "Pat Payne's work blends sexual bondage photos with violent imagery found in religious (specifically Catholic) painting. According to the artist, these images are not intended 'to shock or offend, but to try to come to a better understanding of the concepts/perceptions of spirituality and sexuality, acceptable and unacceptable behaviors and images, veneration, arousal, morality, and objectification.'" [1]

The Incident: The exhibition had been approved for display in a gallery at the college. After protest from Christians within the Gainesville community, however, four of the artworks were moved to a professor's office.

Results of Incident: The artwork remained in the professor's office until the scheduled end of he exhibition.


See also http://www.catholicleague.org/gainesville-college-removes-offensive-art-after-protest/