Al Mustaqilla (The Independent)

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Date: 1995 - 2005 [[:Category:|]] [[:Category:|]]

Region: 1951 - 1975 [[:Category:|]] [[:Category:|{location3}]]

Subject: Political/Economic/Social Opinion [[:Category:|]] [[:Category:|]]

Medium: Print Journalism [[:Category:|]] [[:Category:|]]

Artist: Writers for al Mustaqilla (The Independent)

Confronting Bodies: Coalition Provisional Authority, Iraqi police

Dates of Action: July 2003

Location: Baghdad, Iraq

Description of Artwork: Al Mustaqilla, a bi-weekly newspaper, was known for opposing the American-led occupation of Iraq.

The Incident: In July 2003, the CPA and Iraqi police closed the offices of the Baghdad bi-weekly paper, al Mustaqilla. Authorities accused the paper of writing that could incite violence against the Coalition forces. One remark in the paper read, "those who cooperate with the Americans should be killed as a matter of patriotic and religious duty." According to a CPA spokesperson, the Iraqi police decided to close the paper, as it breached mass media and international law.

Results of Incident: The newspaper office was sealed, equipment was confiscated and employees were detained.

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