Blankets (graphic novel)

Blankets cover.jpg

Artist: Craig Thompson

Year: 2006

Date of Action: October 2006 - March 2007

Region: North America

Location: Marshall, Missouri

Subject: Religion, Youth

Medium: Literature

Confronting Bodies: Marshall Public Library, Louise Mills

Description of Artwork: Blankets is an autobiographical graphic novel, which tells the story of the artist growing up in an Evangelical Christian family.

The Incident: The Marshall Public Library had placed Blankets, as well as Alison Bechdel's graphic novel Fun Home, on its shelves for their reading public. The board then received a complaint from Louise Mills, who argued that the content was inappropriate for children, and even called some of it "pornographic." [1] After several hearings, the library board voted to withdraw the books from the shelves until a new materials selection policy could be developed.

Results of Incident: After several months, and a letter from the NCAC, the library board voted to restore the two books under a new selection policy.
