No Veil Required (exhibit)

Date: 2005

Region: North America

Subject: Religious Nudity

Medium: Photography

Artist: Amir Normandi

Confronting Bodies: Muslim students at Harper College

Date of Action: October 2005

Location: Harper College in Palatine, IL, Building C

Description of Artwork: No Veil Required included photographs of nude Muslim women wearing only a head covering, some showing young Muslim men with machine guns.

The Incident: Harper College invited Chicago photographer Amir Normandi to exhibit his works depicting Muslim women in Iran defying the wearing of the hijab. Rich Johnson, co-coordinator of international students at Harper, said the exhibit was an event put on in conjunction with the college's art department. The exhibit, that included photographs of nude Muslim women wearing only a head covering, was taken down just hours after opening for public viewing. Muslim students at the college protested to officials about the pieces on display in Building C. Several students said the pieces were downright offensive.

Results of Incident: The exhibit was removed.
