No me dejaron desnudarme ante el Papa Benedicto (Naked Before Pope Benedict)>/span>

Date: 2006

Region: Europe

Subject: Nudity

Medium: Performance Art

Artist: Inmaculada Rodríguez Cunill

Confronting Bodies: El Vaticano (The Vatican)

Date of Action: 25 de mayo de 2006

Location: Capilla Sixtina (Sistine Chapel, Rome)

Description of Artwork: Performance en la que, mediante una proyección multimedia, Benedicto convierte la Capilla Sixtina en un Capullo Sextino (Performance in which, through a multimedia projection, Pope Benedict turns the Sistine Chapel into a cocoon.)

The Incident: Descrito más arriba (described above)

Results of Incident: Multa de 900.000 lira y un beso al Papa (A fine of 900,000 lira and kiss the Pope)

Source: Internet y mi experiencia (Internet and my experience)