Special forces (after bansky)

From Censorpedia

Date: 2006-present [[:Category:|]] [[:Category:|]]

Region: Australia [[:Category:|]] [[:Category:|{location3}]]

Subject: Political/Economic/Social Opinion [[:Category:|]] [[:Category:|]]

Medium: Painting [[:Category:|]] [[:Category:|]]

Artist: Van Thanh Rudd

Confronting Bodies: Melbourne City Council

Dates of Action: May 23, 2008

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Description of Artwork: The painting depicts Ronald McDonald running past a burning monk, with Olympic torch in hand.

The Incident: City officials banned the work from public exhibition, citing copyright concerns as the reason. The artist asserts that his painting is a comment about how the global economy interferes with human rights' initiatives.

Results of Incident: Rudd and his supporters are voicing protest. In their opinion, Australian government officials see the painting's references to China as a threat to Sino-Australian relations.

Source: The Age and ABC News [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]]