Tales of the City (TV series)

Date: 1994

Region: North America

Subject: Sexual/Gender Orientation

Medium: Television

Artist: Armistead Maupin

Confronting Bodies: The Georgia Chapter of the American Family Association, and state legislature.

Dates of Action: 1994

Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Description of Artwork: A television series called, Tales of the City, that features the lives of several characters and their changing relationships. The series contains no sexually explicit scenes but contains brief nudity and adult language.

The Incident: Tales of the City was aired on Georgia's Public Broadcasting Station late in the evening and with an advisory warning. President of the American Family Association alerted its members nationwide against "the latest in an ongoing campaign by PBS to promote the homosexual agenda." Several scenes were sent to the Georgia state legislature who condemned the Public Television Station for airing the series.

Results of Incident: The state legislature eliminated $19.6 million dollars designated for the Public Broadcasting Station from the already approved budget.

Source: Artistic Freedom Under Attack, 1995