The Family Book


Artist: Todd Parr

Year: 2012

Date of Action: May 21, 2012

Region: North America

Location: Erie, IL

Subject: Religion, Sexual/Gender Orientation

Medium: Literature

Confronting Bodies: School Board

Description of Artwork: A book teaching diversity and discussing different family structures and types. Ages 4-7. One page states "some families have two moms or two dads."

The Incident: Several parents submitted written objections to the book, which was being used in Erie Elementary's diversity, tolerance and bullying curriculum. Their objections were religious in nature, alleging that the book was pushing the "homosexual agenda." Their objections had to due in part with the fact that the book was recommended by the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN). Other parents voiced their support for retaining the book and a review committee also recommended keeping the book, but suggesting the school implement an opt-out policy for the lessons.

Results of Incident: Book and GLSEN materials banned from district.
