Family Fundamentals

From Censorpedia

Family Fundamentals, Arthur Dong.jpg

Artist: Arthur Dong

Year: 2001

Date of Action: 2001

Region: North America

Location: USA

Subject: Sexual/Gender Orientation

Medium: Film Video

Confronting Bodies: NEA Chairman Bill Ivey

Description of Artwork: In his documentary, Family Fundamentals, Arthur Dong explores homophobia in America and how it influences culture, family and political structure. In the film, Dong explores the public and private lives of three very conservative Christian families with gay and lesbian children.

The Incident: The film did not even make it to the National Council on the Arts, although it had been recommended by the agency's media arts panel.

Results of Incident: Sundance Film festival accepted the film in January and many council members were extremely angered by the that it had been rejected by their chairman.


No show: funding delay sparks censorship fears ( NEA is showing some sense--at last)