Namibia Sun Pictures (exhibition)

From Censorpedia


Artist: Paolo Solari Bozzi

Year: 2014

Date of Action: March 2014

Region: Africa

Location: Windhoek, Namibia

Subject: Nudity, Youth

Medium: Photography

Confronting Bodies: National Art Gallery of Namibia (NAGN)

Description of Artwork: For five months in 2012, with his wife Antonella and their Land Rover TD5, Paolo Bozzi traveled through southern Africa. photographing the lives of Damara, Himba and Bushmen. The 2012 photographs, together with those shot in 2010 during his previous journey to Namibia, form the raw material for his first book ‘Namibia Sun Pictures’ on which the exhibition in Windhoek was based.( Some of the images depicted underage Himba girls.

The Incident: NAGN was concerned about legal issues around the display of the images of underage Himba girls. Rather than remove the images, Bozzi decided not to compromise his art and cancelled the exhibition.

Results of Incident: Exhibition cancelled.
