Revolutions (musical composition)
Date: 1999
Region: Africa
Subject: Language
Medium: Music
Artist: Jean Michel Jarre
Confronting Bodies: Egyptians authority
Date of Action: 31st December 1999
Location: Cairo - Egypt
Description of Artwork: A music piece called Revolutions composed by Jean Michel Jarre in 1988
The Incident: The Egyptian authorities forced Jean Michel Jarre to change his track called Revolutions because the word revolution is a banned word in egypt. Jean Michel Jarre performed the millenium concert at the great pyramids of Gizah on 31st december 1999.
Results of Incident: Jean michel jarre slightly changed his track to Evolution instead of Revolutions during the concert, but probably pronounced "revolution" once despite of the warning he received.
Source: Jean Michel Jarre crew on location in Egypt during the concert