Some Actions Which Haven’t Been Defined Yet In The Revolution (film)

From Censorpedia

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Artist: Sun Xun

Year: 2011

Date of Action: November 2011

Region: Asia

Location: Shanghai

Subject: Political/Economic/Social Opinion

Medium: Film Video

Confronting Bodies: Minsheng Art Museum

Description of Artwork: Sun Xun's piece, "Some Actions Haven't Been Defined Yet In The Revolution" consisted of woodcut animations. The piece was within a group exhibition entitled "Everyday Legend," which examined Chinese traditions in contemporary art.

The Incident: Before the exhibit had even opened, a sign was placed near the screen which was intended to display the animation. The sign said: "The work is unable to be shown as part of the exhibition due to non-technical reasons.” No one from the museum explained the censorship of the piece and shared no information regarding the exclusion of the piece from the group exhibition.

Results of Incident: The piece was never restored and the censorship was never explained.


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