The Raaba Songs on the Companions of Prophet Mohammed

From Censorpedia

Date: 1998

Region: Africa

Subject: Political/Economic/Social Opinion

Medium: Literature

Artist: Khalil Abdel Karim

Confronting Bodies: Egypt's artistic production police

Dates of Action: January 14, 1998

Location: Egypt

Description of Artwork: Abdel Karim's book, The Raaba Songs on the Companions of Prophet Mohammed

The Incident: Fifteen copies of this book and another book by Karim, The Yathrib Society, were taken by police from the Sina Publishing House. No court order was produced, however, the books were accused of violating an eight-month-old law that bans "blasphemous" material.

Results of Incident: The books were taken.

Source: Index on Censorship, 2/98