Eva Green: Sin City a Dame to Kill For
Artist: Eva Green
Year: 2014
Date of Action: May 30, 2014
Region: North America
Location: United States
Subject: Explicit Sexuality, Nudity, Political/Economic/Social Opinion, Sexual/Gender Orientation
Medium: Commercial Advertising
Confronting Bodies: Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)
Description of Artwork: The movie poster for the sequel to Sin City showcases actress Eva Green leaning near a window. She is wearing a sheer, white gown and pointing a gun in the hair. The window cast shadows across her body alluding to the dark nipple area that the MPAA reacted to.
The Incident: The poster for the movie Sin City: A Dame to Kill For has been banned by the MPAA "for for nudity — curve of under breast and dark nipple/areola circle visible through sheer gown."
Results of Incident: This incident is ongoing, however, as of current still remains banned.
• http://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/may/30/sin-city-a-dame-to-kill-for-eva-green-frank-miller