Last of the Believers (painting)
Artist: Daria Fand
Year: 2001
Date of Action: August 2001
Region: North America
Location: Honolulu, HI, USA
Subject: Nudity
Medium: Painting
Confronting Bodies: City of Honolulu
Description of Artwork: The painting depicts a nude woman pinned to a cross.
The Incident: Marylucia Arace, chairwoman of the Committee on the Status of Women, said that the painting by Daria Fant was not allowed to be exhibited at an art exhibit at Honolulu Hale. She said that the piece could not be exhibited because it came in too late and was too large to be accepted.
Results of Incident: The ACLU claimed that the group relaxed the entry guidelines for most of the paintings in the exhibit. The ACLU planned to sue the city because of the censorship of the painting. Ultimately, the city allowed the display of the work.