
Revision as of 21:13, 9 August 2011 by RachelShuman (talk | contribs)

Use This Page To List Which Categories and Pages You Are Editing

Pick a category and begin editing pages in alphabetical order. List the pages you have edited on a given day.


John Doe

01/01/2011 Category:Ducks, pages: Mallards through Wood Ducks

01/02/2011 Category:Cats, pages: Lions through Tigers

Also include any skipped pages or pages for which you have questions.




07/22/2011 Category:1975-1984, pages: The Void in a Man's Mind , The Joy of Sex Category unknown United Automobile Workers Protest

07/25/2011 Category:1975-1984, pages Andrew Graham-Yooll, American Liberty Upside Down (painting), Drugi Obieg (Polish Unofficial Publishing Network), Eduardo Galeano, Jules Michelet, Deep Throat, Das Gespenst (film), Indonesian Student Protestors, Judy Blume, The Dinner Party, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Hair,Nadine Gordimer, The Garbage, the City and Death (play), The Total City (book), Feliz Ano Novo (book), Vsevolod Meyerhold

07/26/2011 Category:1975-1984, pages Soviet Spring Holt, Rinehart and Winston (textbooks), The Marshall Cavendish Illustrated Encyclopedia of Family Health: Doctor's Answers,Franco

Category:1995-2005, pages, Behtzi, Bowling for Columbine, Creation of Adam, Guitar (magazine), The King of the Jews for the King of Beers (billboard), Pregnant Man-Complete! (sculpture), Just Another Creation Theory (sculpture), Racial Tension (photograph), Salò (120 Days of Sodom) (film), Sara Balabagan Story (film), The Crossing (sculpture), Sophie's Choice (novel), Tumbling Woman (sculpture), Jang Aur Aman (War and Peace) (film), Schutzloses (01) (Untprotected (01)) (photograph), New York Central School District, Darling, Our Baby is Handicapped. (photographs), Man D (drawing), Angels in America (play), 4 Photographers, 4 Visions (exhibition), Academy of Art University

07/27/2011 Category:1995-2005, pages Gay.com (billboard), Aids: A Living Archive (exhibition), Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Al Mustaqilla (The Independent), Al-Azhar University, Kitchen Diplomacy (audio), Our Lady (photograph), Amadou Diallo (memorial), Strike Three (photograph), The Audrey Samsara (video)

07/28/2011 Category:1995-2005, pages Alexander Kanevsky, Anchorage City Council, Andy Cox, The Tactics of Tyrants Are Always Transparent, Zanny Begg, Dillard High School, 3rdfloor (magazine), Art, Design and Barbie: The Evolution of a Cultural Icon (exhibition), The Center of the World, Passion (sculpture/video), Caution! Religion (exhibition), Extreme Associates, Artists and Models Affair (fund-raiser), Mother/Father (sculpture), August Rodin, Australian Education Ministry, Australian Parliament, Avdey Ter-Oganyan, Love Makes a Family: Living in Lesbian and Gay Families (exhibition), Dead Man, Newsweek Asian Edition

07/29/2011 : Revisions

08/01/2011 Category:1995-2005, pages Lies (film), Tom Forsythe, Yan Lianke, Radio 101.2 FM (Belarus), Belarusian Government, Yuri Khashchevatsky, We Are Your Neighbors (advertisement), Lynchburg City School Board, Harvest Assembly of God Church, Turkey (2002), Boston Public Library, Miguel Periera de Melo, Jaqueline Mercado and Johnny Fernandez, Gay Times, Sensation: Young British Artists from the Saatchi Collection (exhibition), Snapshots (exhibition), The Super Imposer

08/02/2011 Category:1995-2005, pages Ernst Zundel, Little Sister's Book and Art Emporium v. Canada, Zahra Kazemi, Farda (Tomorrow), Meet the Press (3/4/2002), Farewell My Concubine (film), CCTV, In the Name of Love (song), Jiang Yanyong, [Ordinance for Security Protection of Computer Information Systems (China)]], Zhongliu, Mu Zimei, Liu Di, The Baggage Handler, Art Until Now (exhibition), Howard Stern Radio Show, David Mesple, Double Duty

08/03/2011 Category:1995-2005, pages Contained/Controlled (exhibition), Concord Poetry Center, Barbara Jo Revell Mural, Lynn Street Park Art Tile Project, Kansas State Board of Education, Not the Knitting You Know (exhibition), Mein Kampf, Dirty Works Greece, Danny Yung, Crash (film), Ten Reasons Why Reparations for Blacks is a Bad Idea for Blacks-and Racist, Too, David Replica (Lake Alfred, Florida), Fire (film), William Penn High School, Detroit Institute of Arts, Municipality City Theatre, Dong Thu Huong, Jonathan Allen, Theo van Gogh

08/04/2011, pages Edward Said, The Yathrib Society, The Raaba Songs on the Companions of Prophet Mohammed, Greek Law Number 3037 (Video Games), Eminem Performance (Daytona, Florida), Just Lose it (music video), Mick Marlow, Gail Kern Mural, Bezirksregierung Duesseldorf, Anka Culture Center, California State Teacher's Retirement System, Roswell High School, Celebrate Diversity (exhibition), Bronx Lesbian and Gay Health Resource Consortium, Hunt High School, Themba Mhbele, Neo-Nazi Bands (Germany), Masonic Auditorium, Girbaud (advertisement), Go Ask Alice, Edouard Drumont Grave, Outlook (exhibition), Sex is Art (exhibition), Street Artists (New York City), The Abuse (painting), Je Suis Ton Ami(e)...Tu Peux Me Dire Tes Secrets (I'm Your Friend, You Can Tell Me Your Secrets), Palestinian Life from 1948 to 1998 (exhibition)

08/05/2011, pages Salaheddin Mohsen, Al Hawza (newspaper), India Internet Law No. GSR629(E), Arundhati Roy, Maqbool Fida Husain, Indigo Girls, New Era, New Leader: Badio Rejects the New Order Regime's Engineering, Indonesian Student Protestors (1997), Indonesian Book Banning (1997), Insane Clown Posse, Özgür Gündem (newspaper), Iran Fordha (cartoon), The Federal Mafia, International Biennial of Contemporary Art (Israel), Snow White and the Madness of Truth, Art Until Now, Blue Things I Wear, The Free Beer and Hot Wings Morning Show, Jock Struges (Barnes and Noble), Edgewood College, Ali Snied (playwright), San Diego Public Library, Elgin School District U46, In the Time of the Butterflies, Karla (film), Ken Park

  • Questions/Skipped

Headman, Nineteen Eightyfour, "Just Another Creation Theory" and "Pregnant Man-Complete!"



7/26/2011 Category:1951-1975, pages: Homage to Latin America, L'Humanite and Liberation, Midsummer Dance, Verite-Liberte


07/22/2011 Category:1926-1950, pages: Strange Interlude, Ulysses

07/25/2011 Category:1926-1950, pages: Klondike Annie, The Sex Side of Life, The Bible, Man at the Crossroads, The Thousand and One Nights, The Blind Owl, Love on the Dole, The Well of Loneliness, Dead End, The Great Dictator (film), Sexus, Lawrence of Arabia (film)

07/27/2011 Category:1926-1950, pages: Tropic of Cancer, Henry Miller, Princess Marthe Bibesco, Egyptian Cinema, The Genius, Sister Carrie, An American Tragedy, Theodore Dreiser, Taha Husayn, The Bicycle Thief, Diego Rivera, Rivera Hotel Reforma Mural, Osip Mandel'shtam, Redheap, Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot, More Pricks than Kicks

07/29/2011 Category:1926-1950, pages: Aristophanes, Lysistrata, Henkel Floyd Bennett Airport Mural, Why We Fight, Anna Akhmatova, Pour en Finir avec le Jugement de Dieu, Prison Notebooks, The Nightmare of War and the Dream of Peace, Jorge Luis Borges, Le Diable au corps (film), Ding Ling, The Outlaw, Yoruba Drumming, La Coquille et le Clergyman, Les Onze Mille Verges, Gyorgy Faludy, Germany: A Winter's Tale, S.C. Bose, Isaak Babel

8/1/2011 Category:1926-1950, pages: Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, George Grosz, Upsurge, Atomic Bomb Aftermath Information, Domei, Asashi Shimbun, Nagasaki no Kane, Masako Taorezu, Martin Buber, John Huston, The Battle of San Pietro (film), Let There Be Light, Jorge Amado, Man's Hope (TV series), Solomon Mikhoels, Thomas Mann, Maksim Gor'kii, Jose Asuncion Flores, Mikhail Bulgakov, Luis Bunuel, End of the Axis Powers: Comfort All That Mourn (pamphlet), Gyorgy Ligeti, Nazim Hikmet,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

8/3/2011 Category:1926-1950, pages: Federico Garcia Lorca, Bodas de Sangre (play), The Captive (play), The Virgin Man (play), Sex (play), America Tropical, Sergeii Eisenstein, Maria Dolores Boixados

8/5/2011 Category:1926-1950, pages: Niccolo Machiavelli, Discorsi, Il Principe, Entartete Kunst, Entartete Musik, The Battleship Potemkin, October (film), An Andalusian Dog, The Golden Age, The Days of the Turbins, Song of the Stormy Petrel, The Confession

Category:1900-1925, pages: The Enormous Room, Secret Cabinet of Pompeian Erotica, Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2, Isadora Duncan, Robert Falk, Waste (play), Birth of a Nation, The God of Vengeance, Mother Earth, Fabula



07/22/2011 Category:1900-1925


07/22/2011 Category:1985-1995 pages: Kissing Doesn't Kill:Greed and Indifference Do

07/26/2011 Category:1985-1995 pages: Aim High and Do Your Best through 2 Live Crew

07/27/2011 Category:1985-1995 pages: Abdelkader Alloula (playwright),America's Finest? Boys at Bat, Arte Cubano Actual (exhibition), Artist in Residence International Exhibition at the Atlanta Chamber Of Commerce, Second Annual Juried Photography Exhibition, Hello Kitty Nativity Scene, Brazil: Cinema, Sex and the Generals (documentary), Les Sabots En Or (film), Casa Particular (film),Identidem (exhibition), Confronting Your Fears,The Telephone Call, Chicago Flag Exhibition, Madonna (painting)

07/28/2011 Category:1985-1995 pages: Mounting Objects, Stimulating Objects, and Penetrating Objects (photo series),Scents And Shivers (exhibition),La Prensa,Momart (a series of drawings),Sculptured Object (exhibition),Mirth Girth (painting),What Is The Proper Way To Display A U.S. Flag?,New Male Nudes (exhibition),Melancholianne (film),Public And Private (exhibition),Gwen (painting),Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Eli Langer,The Student Body (sculpture),Outland (comic strip),Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (film)

7/29/2011 But,Second Chance Mural,Taslima Nasreen,True Inversions (performance),Kukrudu Performance,Illini and Potowatomies Struggle at Starved Rock (mural),Eduardo Pon Juan and Rene Francisco (exhibition),Homage to Hans Haacke (exhibition),Daddy’s Roommate,Heather has Two Mommies,Schlinder’s List,Peace Begins at Home (exhibition),Ila Minson,Roseanne (TV series)

8/1/2011 Pure Pleasure Adult Bookstore,Karimzadeh Illustration, Luger de Luxe Photos,San Diego Elementary School Mural, Monitor (tabloid),Sinar Harapan (newspaper), THE X-GIRLFRIENDS Billboard,As in Love, Women Make the Difference (mural), Lion of the Desert (film),Maria Elena Cruz Varela (poet), Power Rangers (TV series),Constantinides Installation, Loussac Library Art Show,See No Evil Exhibit at the University of Oregon, Untitled Statue at the University of Iowa,National Coming Out Day Posters,Mapplethorpe: The Perfect Moment (exhibition),The New World (sculpture), Sweet Sugar (painting),Jesus Christ (painting),Peter and the Wolf,The Black Envelope (book)

8/2/2011 Category:1985-1995 continued 8/3/2011 Category: 1985-1995 continued
